Camera detected/supported 2, still no image

S.L.P. image questions, stereoscopic video livestream and recording, stereoscopic photo capture etc.
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Camera detected/supported 2, still no image

Post by hansi »


It's been a while now since I've been trying to get some video from my StereoPi. Using the SLPv2 image, I've first had some struggles to do the latest update, because it kept rebooting (this is now solved). But except once, when I discovered 1!(all the others had 0 byte) photo on the SD-card which actually was captured with the cameras :oops: . I re-checked the ribbon cables a hundert times, plugged them in and out and this also doesn't seem to be the problem, since it says Cameras detected 2, Cameras supported 2. Now (most of the times), when I try to record video/photo it the shutter button turns grey and it says "Camera busy", same with the recording button ("Onboard REC Waiting video..."). Lately a message keeps popping up that says "Probably a network error, is the server down?: Failed to fetch"
I must says I am certainly rather new to this, but I've read through the forum and couldn't get any result so far.
I'd only like to know if it is likely that there is an hardware error and I should get new cameras? :?:

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Re: Camera detected/supported 2, still no image

Post by Realizator »

Hi Hansi,

It looks like you have a connection issue. If some ribbon cable lines are not connected, both cameras can still be detected (since they are using just a few lines for this), but the full data exchange (for image or video transfer) is impossible.

At first I'd recommend you to check which camera feels bad.

If you are using SLP2, you can go to settings and choose "2D" mode. It means StereoPi will use just a single camera. After that, poweroff the device, disconnect one camera, boot and check if it works. After that, power off the device, disconnect tested camera and connect another one to another CSI camera connector. No need to change settings - StereoPi will detect which camera is connected and try to activate and use it.

Another way is to use OpenCV SD card, and after boot, do a simple test of each camera by typing in the terminal "raspistill -cs 0" and "raspistill -cs 1".

Please let me know the result.
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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