Dual camera with CM4 and CM4IO

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Dual camera with CM4 and CM4IO

Post by MarcelC »

Hi all
I am French, please be indulgent with my mistakes in English ...
I look forward to the delivery of my "Stereopi V2" card.
In the meantime, I started testing with a CM4 module mounted on the "CM4IO" development board.
I spent a lot of time before arriving at a solution to simultaneously access the 2 cameras connected to CAM0 and CAM1(IMX219)!
I started by modifying the "dt-blob.dts" file without finding a solution. Only one camera was accessible at a time, impossible to activate both at the same time.

I think I identified the problem: it comes from the "CAM-GPIO" signal. This is common to the 2 cameras and controls the power supply to the cameras.
The "Raspistill -csX" command only activates this signal for one of the 2 cameras, which is abnormal.
The reason is that the Raspberry detects only one at startup. This shouldn't be the case with my "dt-blob.dts" file.

I then checked the I2C lines of the 2 cameras: they indeed contain the identification frames of the cameras: BUT ONLY ONE IS POWERED !!!

I tried to find information to drive the "CAM_GPIO" signal, without success.
I then used an electronic technician's solution (which I am ...): scraping a track and soldering a bridge! View the photo.

Now the 2 cameras are operational. View the photo

I hope my tests and observations will be of use to others ...
My "dt-blob" file
(1.5 KiB) Downloaded 822 times
Screen copy with the 2 camera activ
Screen copy with the 2 camera activ
2021-05-07-144648_1920x1080_scrot.png (1.07 MiB) Viewed 12393 times
Photo of the 2 hardware camera modifications
Photo of the 2 hardware camera modifications
Modif camera IMX219.jpg (1.51 MiB) Viewed 12393 times

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Re: Dual camera with CM4 and CM4IO

Post by Realizator »

Hello MarcelC,
Well, the brutlal force usually works, but this is the brutal force :-)

You see, when pins are not assigned correctly, the system is not able to do a camera reset and other options needed for the appropriate function.
I attached our dt-blob.bin file. This is the latest version, compatible with both cm3 and cm4. After unarchiving, please rename the file to "dt-blob.bin"
You can decompile it and see what's inside. To say briefly, we used the "stock" pins assignment, which should work with CM4IO board too.
(2.59 KiB) Downloaded 878 times
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: Dual camera with CM4 and CM4IO

Post by MarcelC »

Hello Eugene

First of all, thank you for your help in solving my problem.
I just copied your "dt-blob.bin" file to my CM4 via the CM4IO board.
Unfortunately the result is the same: only one camera is recognized with the "vcgencmd get_camera" command! The response is "supported = 2 detected = 1.
So I will go back to my hardware solution, although as you say a software solution would have been elegant.

I will analyze your "dts" file in detail to better understand it.



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