Is there anyone who knows if there is a way to do stereoscopic photography with raspberry pi 5? As far as i know the two camera ports are not synchronized on pi 5. It would be very interesting, because e.g. video resolution output could be 4k, camera module 3 could be used with its hdr and autofocus and I assume there are many more possibilities with that. Maybe combining the stereopi v2 with raspberry 5 could open new possibilities?
I have stereopi v2 with HQ camera and M12 lens to have a portable and ready to shoot solution, but I am waiting for better picture quality...
Raspberry pi 5
Re: Raspberry pi 5
The pi5 hardware could in principle trigger both cameras close enough to simultaneously for this work, *but* the libcamera software stack does not support it. Maybe if enough people register an interest in the feature it may be added some day, either by the RPi people or the libcamera people. Maybe add your voice to this thread: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=375315
If you're able to use the HQ Camera, those *can* be synched: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentati ... s-captures
If you're able to use the HQ Camera, those *can* be synched: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentati ... s-captures