3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by Realizator »

Stereomii, for video recordings we faced with occasionaly broken files. As a rule, I set video fragments length to 30 sec or 1 minute.
You see, we use scripts in S.L.P. image for other users can to look inside and modify our code. But actually in this case we have no full control over video capture and status, as we usually have in our "clear C/C++" projects. With binary approach we can handle exceptions, control recording process, control video stream (non-zero data flow) and so on. May be we need to do some hybrid solution in the future.

If you will be able to find repeatable conditions for this problem - it will be great. I'm in a process of finding this too.
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

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Last edited by stereomii on Sun Jun 02, 2019 3:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by Realizator »

Wow, great!
I'd like to add your experiments in our upcoming article!
By the way, are you using barrel undistortion option in SPM for wide-angle 160 degree lenses?
Could you also please share some photos (processed by SPM and ImageMagick, before and after processing)?
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

I still am unable to reproduce the occasional problems with videorecording (cannot play files, probably they are not closed correctly). Actually I had no failures any more.

I made good progress with photo's. This is my raspistill line in makephoto.php:

Code: Select all

shell_exec('raspistill -n -t 500 -mm matrix -ex auto -awb auto -3d sbs -w 5184 -h 1944 -o ' . $path.$filename);
-t 500: to give camere time to correctly adjust
-mm matrix: sets matrix metering mode
-ex auto: sets automatic exposure
-awb auto: sets automatic white balance
furthermore the image dimensions are explicitly set by:
-w 5184 -h 1944

I built my StereoPi with the two wide angle cameras supplied in the DeLuxe kit.

Probably due to the wide FOV there is a strong tendency for darker (mostly foreground) areas to become a bit underexposed and thus lose detail. I found that this could be easily corrected with ImageMagick's "contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)". The example from their site https://www.imagemagick.org/script/clahe.php works good for me. I made a Windows batch file to correct all pictures in a folder:

mgk_clahe.bat (clahe-correct all .jpg files to c_[original filename]:

Code: Select all

for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
  magick %%~ni.jpg -clahe 25x25%%+128+3 c_%%~ni.jpg
Here is an example of the original picture (resized to 25%):

And this is the corrected (and alligned via StereoPhotoMaker) result (also at 25%):

Once installed:
ImageMagick can also easily convert a half-sbs picture (f.e. captured frame from video) to full width (all pictures in folder, prefix with s_)

Code: Select all

for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
  magick convert -scale 200%%x100 %%~ni.jpg s_%%~ni.jpg
or split image in left and right components (all pictures in folder, prefix with lr_):

Code: Select all

for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
  magick convert -crop 50%%x100 +repage %%~ni.jpg lr_%%~ni-%%d.jpg
Last edited by stereomii on Sun Jun 02, 2019 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

Hmm, I seem to have managed to post my contribution twice, I lost connectivity during composing my post and went back in Chrome to pick up. I will delete the superfluous unfinished post but that means that you reply Realizator comes before the post.
Realizator wrote:
Sun Jun 02, 2019 2:01 pm
Wow, great!
I'd like to add your experiments in our upcoming article!
By the way, are you using barrel undistortion option in SPM for wide-angle 160 degree lenses?
Could you also please share some photos (processed by SPM and ImageMagick, before and after processing)?
No problems to add these as long as proper reference is made ;) .

I tried barrel undistortion in SPM but could not notice significant improvement. Maybe with bigger than the default value the image could be improved. But to me the unavoidable distortion in the edges are no problem.

As you see I already included one example. Working on more but up till now I have few pictures with enough aesthetic 3D effect, I noticed that wide angle 3D is different from 3D pictures with more normal FOV ;) .
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

Two more examples (at 25% of original size).

original picture:
clahe and spm corrected:


In the last picture the dramatic improvement in foreground detail is clearly illustrated.

The full resolution pictures can be downloaded here: http://doserver.jvonline.nl/stereopi/20 ... ullres.zip
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by Realizator »

Stereomii, we added a lot of comfort features in our 0.2.3 update. Some of them was added after your tests (like full resolution/default resolution for photos). I will be pleased if you take a look at it.
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

Realizator wrote:
Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:01 pm
Stereomii, we added a lot of comfort features in our 0.2.3 update. Some of them was added after your tests (like full resolution/default resolution for photos). I will be pleased if you take a look at it.
For photos this works like a charm. Thank you Realizator.
3D V2 Photo resolution is even better than I had. The icons are now also visible on a dark background.

I noticed that StereoPi now does not start recording on boot when "record=1" in the config file. Did not check this out but I guess that stereopi.conf is not copied to "working" version on boot. Only when I click green "save" button it starts recording.

For my cams I get better exposed results by adding "-mm matrix -ex auto -awb auto" to the raspistill line in make_photo.php.
Further I added 25 FPS to the selectable video frame rates as this is often used for video over here. Maybe this could be included in future releases.

Switching video on and off is still a little bit cumbersome. Procedure now is:
  • select settings
    mark/unmark recording
    click "save"
and usually I add
  • click in preview
    select settings again
    check if recording setting actually has the right value
because visual feedback from "save" is not very clear.
Is it possible to add a "recording" icon that toggles recording and changes shape or color depending on recording status?

I still have problems with unreadable video files. My best guess is that they are not properly closed in some cases. I tries to issue "sync ; poweroff" in console before disconnecting the camera but this did not help much. If I let the StereoPi running for hours in a stationary situation all vids are playable, even when I take a couple of photos. Problem occurs when I take StereoPi out in the field and make videos and pictures.

I now added "sync" to the mount options for /media. Did not have time to field-test this. Results will follow.

Some pictures (clahe- and spm corrected, 25% of original size in LRL format:



Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

For those interested: Here are my ImageMagick (windows) procedures. Note that these are rather rude, no errorchecking is done and they create temporary files and a temporary folder in the current folder. These are cleaned-up afterwards but strange results may occur if you have "_TMP_" prefixed files/folders in your current directory.

All procedures operate on all .jpg files in the current folder, output files are prefixed depending on the operation, execept mgk_LRL, outot is postfixed with L and R.

mgk_clahe.bat (clahe correct image)

Code: Select all

if not exist .\_TMP_\ mkdir .\_TMP_
for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
  magick %%~ni.jpg -clahe 25x25%%+128+3 .\_TMP_\c%%~ni.jpg
move .\_TMP_\*.* .\
rmdir /Q .\_TMP_
mgk_lrl.bat (make LRL format picture)

Code: Select all

if not exist .\_TMP_\ mkdir .\_TMP_
for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
  magick convert -crop 50%%x100 +repage %%~ni.jpg _TMP%%d_.jpg
  magick _TMP0_.jpg _TMP1_.jpg _TMP0_.jpg +append .\_TMP_\LRL_%%~ni.jpg
  del _TMP?_.jpg
move .\_TMP_\*.* .\
rmdir /Q .\_TMP_
mgk_q.bat (reduce size to 25%)

Code: Select all

if not exist .\_TMP_\ mkdir .\_TMP_
for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
  magick convert -scale 25%%x25 %%~ni.jpg .\_TMP_\q%%~ni.jpg
move .\_TMP_\*.* .\
rmdir /Q .\_TMP_
mgk_scale.bat (scale half-sbs picture to full size sbs)

Code: Select all

if not exist .\_TMP_\ mkdir .\_TMP_
for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
  magick convert -scale 200%%x100 %%~ni.jpg .\_TMP_\s%%~ni.jpg
move .\_TMP_\*.* .\
rmdir /Q .\_TMP_
mgk_split.bat (split into L and R parts)

Code: Select all

if not exist .\_TMP_\ mkdir .\_TMP_
for %%i in (*.jpg) do (
rem  magick convert -crop 50%%x100 +repage %%~ni.jpg .\_TMP_\lr%%~ni-%%d.jpg
  magick convert -crop 50%%x100 +repage %%~ni.jpg .\_TMP_\_TMP_%%d.jpg
  ren .\_TMP_\_TMP_0.jpg lr%%~ni-L.jpg
  ren .\_TMP_\_TMP_1.jpg lr%%~ni-R.jpg
move .\_TMP_\*.* .\
rmdir /Q .\_TMP_
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by Realizator »

Hello Jan,
1. Thank you for your tests and support! I've published our new artical about Stereoscopic Photo Art, and used a lot of photos and code you provided! :D

2. You mentioned "3D V2 Photo resolution is even better than I had.". Actually your cameras are V1, so their maximum resolution is 5 Mpix. But if you use V2 settings (2x8 Mpix), system actually takes two 5 Mpix images, and do upscale to 8 Mpix. This is performed via GPU, so there are no any additional load to CPU.

3. For video recordings - we still try to capture this issue. Looks like we need to go from scripts to binary solution to have full control over it. Some highlights for you: our system needs to use the same raspivid stream in a several threads simultaneously (recording, browser livestream, device livestream like Android or Oculus, etc). In our architecture we capture this stream by raspivid, and pass it to /bin/splitter. Splitter retranslates several streams over UDP inside the system (via and different ports) and outside. So "splitter" part can send several UDP streams at once, both inside (for SD recordings) and outside (browser, etc). Looks like under some special conditions this logic does some mistakes. May be quick scene changes leads to jump in a video bitrate or something like this. We use this approach for 9 years, and it works both in embedded systems and desktop-like systems with a huge data flow.
Second possible problem source is on-the-go MP4 packing. As I mentioned, originally we have RAW H264 video, but it is not playable in most players (and if it is played, you can not scroll it).
Could you please give me a sample of your non-playing video? I will look inside file structure and try to understand what is broken.

4. For visual feedback for recording process - as I mentioned, we need to go to binary for this, as with BASH we can not control all statuses we need. I'll think about another approaches, as binary (C/C++ compiled) is not so friendly for users, but we want to keep this simplicity.

5. You use "-mm matrix -ex auto -awb auto" settings. I understand that -mm matrix can change results dramatically, but with -ex and -awb it is surprise for me, as I suggested that "-ex auto -awb auto" are defaults. I've found at least -awb defaults description here in a camera docs.

6. Special thanks for ImageMagick scripts! I'm just a curious, if it is possible to do some similar tricks with StereoPhoto Maker?

7. I also checked if "Record" option works after start. It works for me. I tested in both on fresh-recorded image with this option On, and with image after pressing "save" button... Just turn StereoPi on, and in a several minutes I see recorded files in a file manager. But I agree with your proposal for visual feedback (as mentioned in point 4 in my answer).
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

Realizator wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:48 am
Hello Jan,
1. Thank you for your tests and support! I've published our new artical about Stereoscopic Photo Art, and used a lot of photos and code you provided! :D
I read the article and like it. I am honoured that you could use my contribution :)
2. .... Actually your cameras are V1, .....
My mistake, thanks for the correction
3. For video recordings - we still try to capture this issue. ......Could you please give me a sample of your non-playing video? I will look inside file structure and try to understand what is broken.
I will send you a private message with a link to some broken files.
edit: Hmmm could not figure out how to reach you privately. Can you email me with a reference? I allow email in my profile.
5. You use "-mm matrix -ex auto -awb auto" settings. ....
.... that "-ex auto -awb auto" are defaults. I've found at least -awb defaults description here in a camera docs.
You are probably right, I did not check each option individually but simply copied my previous settings.

6. Special thanks for ImageMagick scripts! I'm just a curious, if it is possible to do some similar tricks with StereoPhoto Maker?
For me the main strenght of SPM is its ability to do a superb job in stereo alignment, I am very grateful to the makers Masuji SUTO & David Sykes. Actually I did not find freeware programs that can do this alignment.

I did not check all menu options for SPM but have seen that it has options "File-Save universal Image" for a.o LRL-view and in multiconversion it is also possible to save (output file type) "Universal Freeview LRL", independent L and R as a few of a multitude of output file formats. MPO format (not supported in ImageMagick) can also be selected. I have seen no sophisticated image enhancement options in SPM.
AFIK thereis no linux version of SPM. ImageMagick is installable in Linux (and Raspbian). My scripts can be easily converted to bash scripts.
7. I also checked if "Record" option works after start. It works for me. I tested in both on fresh-recorded image with this option On, and with image after pressing "save" button... Just turn StereoPi on, and in a several minutes I see recorded files in a file manager. But I agree with your proposal for visual feedback (as mentioned in point 4 in my answer).
Maybe I was a bit impatient. I surely did not wait several minutes. Will check this again
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomaton »

stereomii wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:20 pm
Actually I did not find freeware programs that can do this alignment.
SPM is a freeware. Did you meant free/libre software ?

You can get very good results with hugin (http://hugin.sourceforge.net/) even in presence of lens distortion.
It is a free software (as defined by the FSF https://www.fsf.org/) that has both graphical and command-line interfaces.
However, I did not test it on raspberry platform yet.

Although it is primary oriented to panorama, you can profit from its algorithms to do stereo alignment.
In my process, the window placement is not automatic, but it seems that some program of the suite propose the option.
I'll try it now [on PC].
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomaton »

I searched for a long time because of a stupid mistake: I swapped left and right images in align_image_stack so that its automatic window placement was systematically a very bad choice. In the right order, it is okay (although this time, I tested on one pair only).
I am not deeply convinced by the automatic tool, but it is probably because I usually fine-craft my photographs, especially window placement. However, it looks quite similar to what SPM does on the same photograph.

With an example of two 3240x2160 input images, the whole script used approximately 660MB of RAM (SPM used less RAM, but anyway it cannot run on raspberry-pi).

Here is the script I used [Linux version]

Code: Select all


# Check parameters

function usage() {
	echo "usage: $0 left.jpg right.jpg [output.jpg] [mode]"
	echo "modes: rl, lr, lrl, ana"

[ "$1" == "" -o ! -f "$1" ] && usage $0 && exit 1
[ "$2" == "" -o ! -f "$2" ] && usage $0 && exit 1
[ "$3" != "" ] && output=$3
[ "$4" != "" ] && mode="$4"

# Alignment

align_image_stack -ACimdxyz -c 10 -g 10 -p stereo.pto "$r" "$l"
nona -m TIFF_m -o stereo stereo.pto

# Assemblage

if [ $mode == "rl" ]
	montage -geometry +0+0 stereo0000.tif stereo0001.tif $output
elif [ $mode == "lrl" ]
	montage -geometry +0+0 stereo0001.tif stereo0000.tif stereo0001.tif $output
elif [ $mode == "ana" ]
	composite stereo0000.tif stereo0001.tif -stereo 0 $output
	montage -geometry +0+0 stereo0001.tif stereo0000.tif $output

# Cleanup

rm stereo0000.tif stereo0001.tif stereo.pto
Edit: the script uses programs from hugin & imagemagick suites.
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

stereomaton wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:08 pm
stereomii wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:20 pm
Actually I did not find freeware programs that can do this alignment.
SPM is a freeware. Did you meant free/libre software ?
You corrected me: I meant freeware but I should have phrased this as
Actually I did not find any other freeware programs that can do this alignment.
And even this is not true ;) : I used hugin in the past to stitch 360 degrees panoramas but never realized that it could also be used to align stereoscopic images .
stereomaton wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:08 pm
You can get very good results with hugin (http://hugin.sourceforge.net/) even in presence of lens distortion.
Thank you for supplying a promising idea.
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

stereomaton wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2019 6:23 pm
Here is the script I used [Linux version]
. . . .
Edit: the script uses programs from hugin & imagemagick suites.
Thank you for the script. I will study it to see if I can adapt it to my requirements.

Usually the first things I do on a batch of pictures is:
  • color correct them
  • auto align them with SPM with a far points separation that results in a 6 cm far point separation on my 3D TV
Most pictures are then (at least for me) acceptably viewable on the TV
Nice sub-project for the coming time is to check-out if this is feasible with Hugin-Imagemagick combination :) .

I notice that this thread is a bit deviating from the original title although I find the discussions very relevant. Realizator: Is it possible/desirable to move parts of this discussion to a separate thread, f.e. "3D Image/Video processing"?
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

Realizator, your remark in a previous post re. unplayable videos
Realizator wrote:
Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:48 am
....... May be quick scene changes leads to jump in a video bitrate or something like this.........
inspired me to the following test.

I let the StereoPi watch TV for about an hour and promptly experienced quite a few unplayable recordings. Here a screenshot showing thumbnails on my Windows PC. Image
Further I noticed the following:
  • If recording=1 at boot recording indeed starts automatically, however date-time in first recorded video is wrong (I noticed always 20190529) which is not a big surprize as StereoPi probably did not yet get time from internet.
  • Often (I don't know if it's always) first recording is unreadable. What I noticed in this experiment was that file size, when viewed in play menu, at some moment stopped increasing. File size with some 600kB is anyhow too small for a 5 min video.
  • If I look at file sizes all unplayable files are significantly too short (last column blank, "Afspeelduur" is dutch for "playing time"):
In this test I made one photo during the first 5 minutes, initially recording time was 5 minutes, during the 4th recording I set recording time to 30 seconds. During recording of 5 minute videos I several times checked via the recordings menu playability of completed files, after switching to 30 sec recording time I did not further interrupt the system.
Before switching power off I issued "sync" followed by "poweroff" in console.
/media was mounted with "sync" option added.

You can find all recordings at http://doserver.jvonline.nl/stereopi/20190615_tvtest (well over 1GB data total).
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by Realizator »

stereomii wrote:
Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:43 pm
I notice that this thread is a bit deviating from the original title although I find the discussions very relevant. Realizator: Is it possible/desirable to move parts of this discussion to a separate thread, f.e. "3D Image/Video processing"?
Yes, I agree. We touched a lot of different scopes here. ;)
I created new subforum, called 3D video and photo processing.
My suggestions:
1. I will move current thread to the new subforum and keep a link here, in a "projects" section.
2. I think you can start new topic in this new forum concerning video recordings issue, and put a link to your last video comment and mention "continue this discussion here".
3. As I may suggest, it will be a good idea to start several new topics from this thread, like ImageMagick processing (also mentioning your comments from current topic).
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by Realizator »

Offtop: I can try to use this screen to make a phone-free solution. I marked this as offtop, as this topic focused on phone-dependent solution. This screen also has 3 buttons and a joystick...
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by stereomii »

Realizator wrote:
Fri May 31, 2019 10:47 am
Stereomii, for video recordings we faced with occasionaly broken files. As a rule, I set video fragments length to 30 sec or 1 minute.
You see, we use scripts in S.L.P. image for other users can to look inside and modify our code. But actually in this case we have no full control over video capture and status, as we usually have in our "clear C/C++" projects. With binary approach we can handle exceptions, control recording process, control video stream (non-zero data flow) and so on. May be we need to do some hybrid solution in the future.

If you will be able to find repeatable conditions for this problem - it will be great. I'm in a process of finding this too.
Realizator, did you notice viewtopic.php?f=18&t=35&start=20#p347 ? Maybe missed it?
I put StereoPi in font of (working ;) ) TV and promptly experienced broken recordings. Uploaded them all (good and broken) to my site.
Jan a.k.a. stereomii
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Re: 3d cam with mobile phone as viewfinder and controller

Post by Realizator »

stereomii wrote:
Tue Jun 25, 2019 12:39 pm
Realizator, did you notice viewtopic.php?f=18&t=35&start=20#p347 ? Maybe missed it?
I put StereoPi in font of (working ;) ) TV and promptly experienced broken recordings. Uploaded them all (good and broken) to my site.
No, I didn't miss it. :-) Thank you for this experiment. I've downloaded 40 samples, and now trying to detect an issue.
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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