Swap camera eyes?

S.L.P. image questions, stereoscopic video livestream and recording, stereoscopic photo capture etc.
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Swap camera eyes?

Post by StereoPipi »

Is it possible, to swap the camera eyes? When recording, I get a video, which I can only watch correctly with the skybox viewer, where it has the possibility to swap the cameras. Other player I use seems to have no possibility to do this. Upside down results in the same, only upside down :D :lol:
Any advice?

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Re: Swap camera eyes?

Post by Realizator »

Well, we'll add this option in admin panel in our nearest S.L.P. update.
Right now you can do this trick. As you might now, "-3dswap" option does not work yet (mentioned here). To swap cameras you need to add "-cs 1" option in your capture sequence.

Our video-generating script is sitting here:

Code: Select all

In row 71 you can see:

Code: Select all

./bin/raspivid -t 0 $DEC_STR $UP_DOWN -w $video_width -h $vid.........
Add "-cs 1" here, so beginning of this row will looks like this:

Code: Select all

./bin/raspivid -cs 1 -t 0 $DEC_STR $UP_DOWN -w $video_width -h $vid.........
Please notice, this option "-cs 1" is already added in row 32 and implemented if you set "up/down" option in admin panel. You can either disable this option in admin panel, or just fix this piece of code according to your needs.

UPD> This is my second answer to you with some code fixes requirements. Just a notice: you can do all these chages over Administration panel, using "file manager" icon. Do not forget to click a link "Make filesystem writeable" at the top of file manager, so your changes can be saved. By default filesystem in S.L.P. is read-only.
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: Swap camera eyes?

Post by StereoPipi »

Realizator thank you very much for your informative answer! This was exactly, what I was looking for. You saved me time seeping through the scripts.
I was just wondering if I am the only one with this problem, but saw now, that others noticed this, too.

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Re: Swap camera eyes?

Post by Realizator »

We're almost finished tests of updated SLP. I hope we'll do a release in the nearest day or two.
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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