Bottom-bottom camera orientation

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Bottom-bottom camera orientation

Post by taa11 »

I am hoping get some help with adjusting the camera position and with videostreaming to an oculus quest 3.
I have the basic system up and running but I have a few questions that I would appreciate your help with. I am using the stereopi kit v2 with the default cameras, mostly with SLP.
1) I would like to place the cameras as close together as possible. This would mean rotating the cameras so they are oriented bottom to bottom (ie both are rotated 90 degrees from the default side-by-side positioning). It is easy to do this after capturing the image, but is it possible to adjust SLP to accommodate this live? In this post (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1365&p=3364&hilit=rotate#p3364) it sounds like this should be doable.
2) the quest 1/2 app (viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1118) opens but crashes on the quest 3. Is it possible to do a live stream into VR on the quest 3? I can open the local streaming interface through the browser but it shows the SBS video.

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Re: Bottom-bottom camera orientation

Post by Realizator »

Hi taa1,

In your case one camera is rotated 90 clockwise, and another is 90 counterclockwise. It's tough to process this on the StereoPi side. In one of our experiments, we needed to rotate both cameras to the same direction, so "-rot 90" key can help.

It's easier to manage this on the receiving side, since Oculus has way more GPU power to rotate the received and decoded image before showing it on the screen. But it requires a lot of coding.

As for Quest 3 - we didn't have a chance to test the app on it, unfortunely.
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: Bottom-bottom camera orientation

Post by taa11 »

Thanks for the quick response.
In another post, you mention using this display: ... 4itemAdapt
Do you think it may work to use this display and just manually rotate the screens to match?
Also, could you please share the display settings you mention for it to work properly?
Thanks again.

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Re: Bottom-bottom camera orientation

Post by Realizator »

The latest settings are:
hdmi_timings=2880 0 50 8 15 1440 0 8 2 6 0 0 0 60 0 256921800 3

And here is the EDID info for this screen; it can help with the settings in the future:
EDID: 2880x1440p hfp:50 hs:8 hbp:15 vfp:8 vs:2 vbp:6 pixel clock:257 MHz

Screen rotation can definitely work here, but please be careful with the bending of the screen ribbon cables.
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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