apt-get update SLP image trouble

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apt-get update SLP image trouble

Post by zoldaten »


i tried to install driver for wi-fi doungle and sank in troubles )

Firstly, i remount the file system to be able to write (as it read-only): sudo umount -o rw,remount /
After that tried to sudo apt-get update but no success as no space left on root partition.
So i move to raspi-config to resize the partition table (extend it) - but no result with error - nothing to extend

Secondly, i tried df -h and found out the partition table:
1.png (12.94 KiB) Viewed 5868 times
And tried to resize following the man here - https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/q ... -partition
2.png (35.21 KiB) Viewed 5868 times
But after delete partitions and reboot - stereopi went to endless reboot ((

How to resize in SLP image ?

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Re: apt-get update SLP image trouble

Post by stereomaton »

On a Linux desktop with sd card reader, I used gparted with success. If you change the partition table with fdisk, you say where to search for new data but without moving the data themselves, hence the inability to boot.
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Re: apt-get update SLP image trouble

Post by zoldaten »

stereomaton wrote:
Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:38 pm
On a Linux desktop with sd card reader, I used gparted with success. If you change the partition table with fdisk, you say where to search for new data but without moving the data themselves, hence the inability to boot.
hmm..i followed steb-by-step instruction. it said i have to resize partition table after reboot.

as to gparted - cant install it - no space left on root partition.

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Re: apt-get update SLP image trouble

Post by Realizator »

Hi Zoldaten,
This partition feature has been discussed on our forum :-)
To say briefly, after each boot SLP try to fond FAT32 partition, and if it is not existing - try to create it, using all free space... after it's 2Gb of ext4, i.e. 3932160 in our case. And does a reboot after that. So if you extend partition, this autoformat feature will feel itself bad.

This logic can be found in a file /opt/StereoPi/run.sh, rows 16-32. So if you will comment this code (or modify it for your needs), you will avoid rebooting and get right the thing you need.

UPD> As for the apt-get update (and upgrade) - this is not good idea, as after this procedure a lot of internal dependencies can be broken (like Nginx settings, PHP version and so on). Do it carefully please :-)
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: apt-get update SLP image trouble

Post by stereomaton »

My answer was perhaps too laconic.

fdisk is a low level utility that modifies the partition table. You can work on such low level, but with extra caution and by knowing how the system works.

The step-by-step tutorial on your link (that I did not see at first read) is okay-ish, except that it destroys all partitions after the second one, which is not really a problem in the context of the question (a swap partition is somewhat optional). But this flaw is problematic with SLP because, as said by realizator, it tries to recreate a FAT partition at boot if it does not exist, but at a position which is not compatible with your new mapping.

You can probably resize with similar method at low level, but you should add a FAT partition (and perhaps format it, I do not remember exactly) to avoid the related script to trigger.
Alternatively on a desktop, you can use gparted (on a native Linux installation or with a liveUSB/liveCD) which is designed to resize partitions and handles various situations linked to this task. There still exist situations not suitable for it because they rely on partitions not being resized, but otherwise it is a great tool. Concerning SLP, the gparted method works because the requirement is the FAT partition to exist, which gparted keeps (and actually moves with content) if you do not ask it to remove.

Hope my answer is clearer now.
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Re: apt-get update SLP image trouble

Post by zoldaten »

This logic can be found in a file /opt/StereoPi/run.sh, rows 16-32. So if you will comment this code (or modify it for your needs), you will avoid rebooting and get right the thing you need.
This solved the issue!
1.png (10.19 KiB) Viewed 5848 times
But i stack with next step.
Trying to install sudo apt install raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-kernel leads me to errors: read-only filesystem o_O
But i`ve already remount the filesytem as rw!
2.png (53.67 KiB) Viewed 5848 times
Why i go this way ? Because i went that way when install drivers for my usb dongle on openCV image that worked (see my comment https://github.com/gnab/rtl8812au/issues/147)

i remounted /boot with sudo mount -o rw,remount /boot and successfully updated bootloader and kernel but...
stereopi again starts boot endless...
perhaps something additional to comment in run.sh ?

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Re: apt-get update SLP image trouble

Post by Realizator »

Zoldaten, I just planned to suggest you unlock BOOT, but you find this by yourself! :-)
As for the reboot - as you mentioned, run.sh is the main file we start to run. So you can simplify it (by commenting) and find the reason for your reboots. All reboots we used have some special reason (like implementing updated partitions info). I hope you are having one of these "planned" reboots, but not a crash with updated kernel and bootloader... What is the last message you can see?
I'd recommend you to turn off wallpaper (line 42, we show stereopi_bg2.jpg before receiving the video), so you can see console output.
You can also turn off the video intro if it covers your console output. Just comment video start row at /opt/intro/intro.sh
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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Re: apt-get update SLP image trouble

Post by zoldaten »

yep, i get it working !
3.png (8.63 KiB) Viewed 5840 times
As i use this dogle https://aliexpress.ru/item/32950017313.html

`ve followed this way:
in /opt/Stereopi
run.sh - comment strings 16-23

sudo mount -o rw,remount /
sudo mount -o rw,remount /boot
*resize the partition as there`s no space left to install anything

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall raspberrypi-bootloader raspberrypi-kernel
sudo apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel-headers
*sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo cp /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/arch/arm/Makefile /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/arch/arm/Makefile.$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M)
sudo sed -i 's/-msoft-float//' /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/arch/arm/Makefile
sudo ln -s /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/arch/arm /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/arch/armv7l

git clone https://github.com/whitebatman2/rtl8821CU
cd rtl8821CU
sudo apt install bc
nano Makefile

make install
modprobe 8821cu

but as far as i went i did sudo apt-get upgrade and ...broke something. Cameras`re working (red lights flash on them) but no web-interface ))
Because of update i think.
Tried to start script run.sh in /opt/Stereopi but it gives back:
4.png (19.83 KiB) Viewed 5840 times
May be something in config.conf should be change or in run.sh ?

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Re: apt-get update SLP image trouble

Post by Realizator »

Zoldaten, apt-get upgrade is a bad thing, as I mentioned :-)
At least you can see the error stage - "Starting local network connection on Wlan0". Try to look in run.sh and find the workflow we use.

Some tips:
In run.sh we are starting wlan manager:

Code: Select all

./scripts/wlan-switch.php &
this file includes "wlan.lib.php"

"wlan.lib.php" has LAN_stop and LAN_run functions.

Looks like your "Set power management" caused by row 164, i.e.:

Code: Select all

shell_exec("sudo iwconfig $iface power off");
Also please take a look at row 178:

Code: Select all

shell_exec('sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i ' . $iface . ' -D nl80211,wext -c /run/' . $iface . '.conf');
If you have updated driver, may be you need to put it here.
Eugene a.k.a. Realizator

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